Casper Gammelgaard Kaptain
Professional profile
Extensive experience in assisting and advising business enterprises, ranging from industrial groups and
publicly quoted companies to small and mediumsized
enterprises, both Danish and foreign. In addition,
the client portfolio includes municipalities, public institutions, foundations, associations and financial
§ International Contracts – Over 10 years’ experience in handling major construction cases and
international contracts, e.g. in connection with contract drafting and conflict management. Having assisted
multiple clients, among other things, in connection with the following projects:
- Supply of transformer and ancillary electrical installations,
including wiring work to several projects in Central and South
America. - Establishment of airports in Bangladesh and Mozambique.
- Design and planning of infrastructure in connection with the alteration of power grids in the Maldives and Mauritius.
- Supplies of machinery for Saudi Arabia.
- Shipyard contracts and supplies of vessels for China, South Korea, Iran, and a number of European countries.
§ Energy, Gas og Oil – Having assisted both Danish and foreign companies with considerable activities
within the energy and wind sector (both on and offshore).
The assistance has been aimed at suppliers as well as operators, public authorities and investors. The following are examples of projects requiring my
legal assistance:
- Sale of foundations for the erection of offshore
wind farms located in both Danish and foreign waters with corresponding
service contracts. - Establishment of power stations in Tanzania and Iraq.
- Establishment of gas supplies in El Salvador.
- Conflict management due to serial defects in a wind turbine
produced in more than 5,000 units.
§ Construction Law – The client base comprises public authorities (both municipal and governmental),
owners, contractors, suppliers, project developers, consultants, insurance companies, and others.
- Having assisted in connection with a variety of contracts – both in respect of project development, tendering processes, contract drafting, establishment of guaranties and securities across assistance during the completion of contract works and any consequential disputes.
§ Dispute Resolution – Extensive experience in participating in legal actions and arbitration proceedings
relating to construction work, international contracts and commercial disputes in general. The assistance
has been required, among other things, in connection with disputes considered by the following institutions:
- The Danish Arbitration Board for Building and Construction
- The Danish Institute of Arbitration
- Ad hoc established arbitration tribunals
- The International Court of Arbitration (ICC Paris).
- The Mediation Institute
- Danish courts of law
§ General Commercial Consultancy Services – Primarily within the above areas but also counselling in
respect of commercial lease law, company law, mergers and acquisitions and real estate.
- The Danish Arbitration Association
- The Danish Society for Construction and Consulting Law
- The Danish Building Association
- The International Bar Association
- The Danish Marine and Offshore Group
- OffshoreEnergy.dk (tidl. Offshore Center Danmark)
- International Jurists
- Young Arbitrators Copenhagen (YAC)
- International Association of Young Lawyers/ Association International des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA)
- Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG), The London Court of International Arbitration
- Groupe ASA des Jeunes Praticiens de l’Arbitrage, Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage
- Chinese European Legal Association e.V (CELA)/ Chinese European Arbitration Centre (CEAC)
- Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- The SCC association Young Arbitrators Stockholm (YAS), The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
- DIS40 Die
Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V.
(DIS) / DIS40 (young arbitrators) The German Institution of Arbitration
2014 FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) Certified lawyer
2014 Right to appear before the Danish Supreme Court
2013 Certified arbitrator by The Danish Institute of Arbitration
& tTe Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
2008 Right to appear before the Danish High Court
2008 Admission to practice law
2005 Master’s degree in law studies, The Faculty of Law at Aarhus University
2005 Supplementary studies at the Aarhus School of Business
2004 2003
Supplementary studies at the Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University,
Melbourne, Australia
1999 Commencement of law studies at The Faculty of Law, Aarhus University
2015 Head of the Aalborg branch office of HjulmandKaptain Law Firm
2015 Member of the Danish Appeal Board, appointed by H.M. Queen Margrethe II of
2014 Appointed by the Danish magazine “Berlingske Business” as one of Denmark’s 100
top talented persons
2012 Appointed as an Associate Partner of HjulmandKaptain Advokatpartnerselskab,
Limited liability law company, Aalborg
2012 Lecturer in Arbitration Law (master level) at The Faculty of Law, Aalborg University
2010 Employed as an attorney with HjulmandKaptain Law Firm
2008 2010
Employed as an attorney with LETT Law Firm, Copenhagen
2006 2008
Employed as an assistant attorney with LETT Law Firm, Copenhagen
2006 2005
Employed as an assistant attorney with Meldgaard Law Firm, Aarhus